Grinspoon, a pure sativa heirloom bred by Barney’s Farm in Amsterdam, is a strain destined for connoisseurs and intellectuals alike. In honor of the Harvard professor and cannabis advocate, this strain was named after Lester Grinspoon, who set out to correct misinformed science in the 1970s. As if channeling the brilliance of Dr. Grinspoon himself, this sativa is a top choice for creative, introspective thinkers as it induces heightened cerebral activity and sensory awareness. Grinspoon buds, imbued with rich earthy and honey flavors, grow like berries on twig stalks in unusually gapped popcorn formations.
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Because of its structure, Dr. Grinspoon typically delivers smaller harvests after a 13-14 week flowering time. This indoor preferred strain requires time and patience, but few cannabis varieties can impress connoisseurs like these frost coated gems. Patients with mood disorders, attention deficit, and chronic pain may find relief in the euphoric and invigorating experience that defines this legendary sativa. Where to Buy Dr.
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Need to find some weed? We'll show you where it is. Get right to the information you need so you know what cannabis strain to ask for and where to find it. WEED FINDER - Know where the nearest weed dispensary is.
Also, find who carries your favorite weed strain. WEED STRAINS - Knowledgeable information about each cannabis strain, lineage, strength, and where to find it. MEDICAL - Going beyond just basic strain information, know what marijuana strains work for your ailments. TIME OF DAY - What's the best marijuana strain for a wake & bake? We'll let you know. Whether you're new to cannabis, or not, we have the information to help you find your ideal strain.
Learn what sativa and indica mean, what to expect when you try a new weed strain, and what strains solve specific ailments. We're not here to clutter your experience with weed stories or stoner videos. Our map shows you where the nearest dispensaries are located along with what strains are currently in stock.
Be informed when you walk into a store by reading up on strain information. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.