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Maybe ON1 PHOTO RAW? Ever since Adobe moved to its subscription model for software, various posters have been looking for an effective alternative to Photoshop CC (to which I have a subscription). Perhaps in the fall, the new ON1 Photo Raw program will provide the desired solution. Not sure how this will work out, but the current ON1 program seems to have a lot of Photoshop-like capabilities. Plus their customer support has been extremely responsive in my experience.
I have no connection with ON 1 other than being a customer. Yes, for the price of a decent meal out, or a family trip to the cinema, you get a whole year of software subscription. Funny how people prioritise their finances.I've said this before on these whinge threads, if you can't cost in a small fee to use decent software within your photography 'hobby' (I say hobby because 'earning' professionals don't cry about £100pa.) then you are of course free to go use whatever freebie or alternative you want. And we don't care what you do.But don't try to make out that a £100pa (equivalent) is some break-the-bank deal when you probably waste money on the uneaten food you chuck out each year, the gym subscription you never attended, the travel card you didn't use.
My list could be endless. The point is. Its just pure gas-bagging. Waffle.If you 'value your photography' part of the process 'may' mean you have to pay for the use of software./diddums. Yes, doesn't it get on your nerves. I look down the comments to see what peoples expereince is with the update and all I see is comments from people complaining about the subscription.
Did every complain this much when they brought out a new version of PS that cost £700 to update to?I bought a 10 stop and a 6 stop filter recently. Cost more than a year's subscription to PS and LR. Which am I going to use more over the next 12 months? But the complainers dont take a logical view it's big company bad, small company or internet collective good - with the notable exception of Apple - a huge corporation of questionable ethics and work practices, and overpriced products, that can seemingly do no wrong.
'Yes, for the price of a decent meal out, or a family trip to the cinema, you get a whole year of software subscription. Funny how people prioritise their finances.'
Every time I can choose the meal/movie I want. It is not so with the subscription, I'm bound to whatever is offered.While the monthly fee is relatively small, I find it terrifying for possible developers following the suit. I have already enough of subscriptions and I only need to make them less, not more.Small amounts times 10 is not anymore small. The thing you are missing baldcol is that the updates have gone WORSE.years ago photoshop was the program that was the most stable on my (since subscription) it´s a bug infested mess.and as i wrote.
How can obvious bugs slip into a release?bugs that affect everyone are discovered 1 hour after a release?it is not as if these are bugs that only affect certain´s because with subscription adobe has no betatesting team anymore.or when adobe has a betatesting team. The betatesters must be incompetent. 'Adobe are a long way from being the only compan y that seems to have shifted beta testing from a beta testing team to the general public.'
That´s right. But adobe advertised CC with better support and being overall a more mature software. The opposit is the reality.the whole cloud stuff is more complicated to maintain, not´s creating issues (just look at the adobe forums).i don´t care about the money.
It´s tax returns for me anyway.i would prefer good tested anual updates, not this mess we have today.fact is, with subscription adobe can be lazy and uneffective.they have a quasi monopol and people have to pay anyway. @Tristan JonesLike many others, the budget that I can spend on photography is limited to the degree that deciding to spend £100 over the course of a year, over the course of a number of years IS an issue. Yes, I can afford it but the little money I have needs to be maximised. I don't waste much food, turn the lights off when not required, don't have a gym subscription (I prefer the one outside anyway - and it's free (bar travel costs)), don't have a travel card, don't do foreign holidays (due to cost). I live a happy frugal life within my modest income.
I have to check my account when I take my wife out and have ever bought a new camera once. So yes, the cost is a real issue, a minor one but an issue nonetheless.Besides, I prefer the two meals I could have with my wife than spend that money on apps that I don't use that often (PS, not LR).I'm glad that you can spend £100 and not worry about it. Not all of us can.Finally, you have some really great work on your FB page. @ BaldCol,Yes, you are right. The first version of PS I bought was v3 (I was self-employed back then). I upgraded once or twice and that was it.
In recent years I have been covered by my employers Education site licence. I could not afford the full-blown stand-alone version. Subscription does make it affordable, but once in always in, and in the long term you end up paying more.
With stand-alone you have the choice to upgrade or not and can use the software for a long time if one so wishes.The last version of PS that had features I actually needed and used was PS CS2. With the subscription model if you choose to end the subscription you can't use the software (as happened to me when I ended my subscription). Those are the issues I have personally, and as I said subscription is great for some/most people. It's just not for me. It is beneficial to discuss and debate so users are aware of the pros and cons and alternative routes. Some people think that the subscription model is OK and are quite happy paying $9.99 per month ($120 per year, every year).
And that's fine.I have rid myself of all Adobe products and I am quite happy using Affinity Photo (£0 per month, £0 per year, every year.) and Capture One ($0 per month, $0 per year, every year.)So after the initial payment, I basically don't have to pay anything more. If I lose my job and have to cut back on expenditure I can still take photos and edit them and not worry about monthly fees to keep the software running.Do you use all of what Fauxtoshop has to offer? If not then maybe it is worth changing programmes and saving that little bit of money. I ended up only using Fauxtoshop for a little cloning and healing (which Affinity Photo does better).If you're happy with Adobe's service that's Brill!
BUT, considering there are cheaper and equally effective alternatives. Why spend more money than you have to!.plus optional updates per bi/annum.
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Capture One is $300 to purchase and $100 for its upgrades typically, every year or so and Affinity is like $50.Even if you don't ever need to upgrade, that's still nearly 3 years of Adobe CC for Photographers.Now sure, if you can go and not need upgrading of your software then certainly its a better value proposition for you. Or of course if not being able to keep up a $10 a month payment (Really?) is of serious concern, its a better value in the long run for you anyway (but then if you cant afford the $10 a month I think you have bigger problems).Personally, I feel Adobe should offer a once per year standalone offline package without subscription if people wanted to purchase it. It would certainly be nice to have that option. @Nobby2016 - Market share numbers can be deceptive. Windows may own the largest number of computers, but Apple owns the over-$1,000 computer market to the tune of about 85+ percent.Guess which computers photographers are using?Not arguing which is better, just who uses what and how software decisions are made. There are good reasons for coding for OSX when your market is the creative one. Quark almost died underestimating the value of the Mac market.
They fired their CEO and now they're doing relatively well. A mac only program. And i would really like to know which other programs really support PSD files.i tried affinity photo a while ago and the PSD import was far from perfect. Difference is the lack of hyphenation and hidden overflow with text in boxes for example (only one example).also the problem is not only with photoshop.what about me as premiere and after effects user?when adobe decides to raise prices i have to pay.subscription is not all bad. But it sure is not all good either.adobe should give the user a choice to buy a product.
Not only to rent it. Oh you thin skinned girl don´t like to get replys in the same tone you use. What a suprise!grab your blanket and go to mommy.i am not arguing over cost you troll.where did i argue about cost?stop lying!as i wrote here. It´s TAX RETURNS for me anyway.and your last remark just shows how clueless you are.of course you have times when things go slow.but then you have times where you have to be spot on with thight deadlines.really get a clue what you are talking about if you want to argue with me. 'Bugs are included with the subscription'.true, too many of the new releases have them.' Your programs are upgraded automatically'.false.
You always get an Upgrade button and you can always choose not to click that. There is also a hidden option to keep your current version and the new one both installed.Also, in the CC installer app you have the option of rolling back to an earlier version of Photoshop, Lightroom, etc. This has turned out to be a very valuable feature since so many bugs come with the subscription. If you get hit by a bug, you can ditch the new one and go back to the previous version. Of course, it would be better if the bugs weren't there in the first place.
For the price of $9.99 I pay monthly for PS and LR I find it a reasonable cost for the quality of the program's content. And as a hobbiest I probably only use about 20% of what PS has to offer as I use Lr for most of my editing. I'm also slow to adapt to the benefits of the upgrades but after I start using them it is hard to go back to the previous versions.If Adobe significantly raised the subscription price I may consider going back to the last LR and PS that I own. Many do not like this subscription model and I too prefer to own the program outright, however, I know of so many 'photographers' who have said they used pirated PS that it makes sense that Adobe would protect their business. In the end we all have to pay for those that steal.
Well subscription is not about fighting piracy.subscription is about growing, as a company.getting more user to use your products.adobe had reached it´s grow further they had to either lower the price or go the subscription wayyou can see what adobe is going after.the billions of smartphone users.the main development right now is on mobile don´t get these users with a price tag of 1000 euro for photoshop.also. Adobe has no real ideas for features people may want.development was slowing down before subscription, now it barely moves.look at the last two releases.there is nothing that could make me upgrade, paying 300-500 euro.but with subscription these small updates are enough.people have to pay anyway. And adobe does not need to do much development anymore.for example the content aware crop is just an extention of a feature that is in photoshop since a few versions. You could have done the same before, just with 5 more clicks.
Or select and mask. Just an old tool in new´s only small stuff adobe is doing.i would have skipped the last two upgrades.i may had to buy the next one, to get the latest ACR updates that support my next camera (5D MK4). But otherwise i would have saved the money,but with subscription adobe gets my money anyway.and i suspect adobe got rid of a great part of it´s betatesting team.people have to pay anyway.
Even when the products are buggy.and lately adobe has missed such obvious bugs, that i suspect they do no betatesting at all.bugs that were discovered 1 hour after release.and these are bugs that affect EVERYONE, not just a small percentage of could a proper betatesting team miss such bugs?
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