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How To Keep Your Computer Awake While Downloading

How To Keep Your Computer Awake While Downloading Downloading

How To Keep Your Computer Awake While Downloading Free

Sep 03, 2014  Laptops How to keep your computer awake without touching the mouse. Or the keyboard. If you're tired of Windows dimming the screen or going to sleep without permission, try this. Free apps and services keep your computer awake while it's idle, download and install apps all at once, and give you a real Facebook Dislike button.

How To Keep Downloading When Sleep Mode Windows 10

I'm sure this has been mentioned before but PLEASE add in a toggle-able feature that will allow PC's to stay awake while Steam is downloading. I don't leave my gaming PC on all the time so when I'm downloading I'd prefer it to stay on and finish whatever game I'm pulling down rather than it falling asleep and I have to keep restarting it. Yes I know I could change the sleep settings but other than never sleeping, I'd run into the same issue. So my request is that Valve add this in as a setting. Please and thank you. Yep, this is a textbook example of where Windows' SetThreadExecutionState API should be used to keep the computer awake.

It still allows screen saver or display off. The API call is SetThreadExecutionState(ESCONTINUOUS ESSYSTEMREQUIRED). And msdn.microsoft.com and blogs.msdn.com.

And But will Valve do it? I doubt they're reading this. But that working example is actually a utility we can use in the meantime. It is for situations like Steam, where the developers won't implement SetThreadExecutionState properly, but users need to easily keep their system awake for a time.

As I don't want to install any software nor want to use Terminal for such a trivial task (nor have found any setting allowing me to never have my Mac sleeping), I use this:Apparently, opening a Youtube video and keeping the focus on its tab prevents Chrome from sleeping (as you fake watching a video) and allows me to leave my computer (without anxiety) knowing that it won't sleep until the video ends.This gives enough time for any download to finish (unless the said download duration outreaches the video's one).

How To Keep Your Computer Awake While Downloading